About the Journal
- Journal Title: Journal Law Ash-Shiddiqiyah
- Initials: JLAWS
- Frequency: -
- Online ISSN: -
- Print ISSN: -
- Editor in Chief: Ahmad Khudori, IAI Nusantara Ash-Shiddiqiyah
- DOI: -
JLAWS : Journal Law Ash-Shiddiqiyah is to provide a venue for academicians, researchers, and practitioners for publishing the original research articles or review articels. JLAWS published twice in a year on July and January by processing peer review and open access. The scope of the articles published in this journal deals with a broad range of topics in the fields:
1. Sharia Economic Law
2. Fiqh muamalah
3. Civil Law
4. Criminal Law
5. constitutional law
6. procedural law and customary law
7. contemporary law
8. Business Law
9. Administrative Law
10. Islamic Finance, practice and society
Current Issue
JLAWS : Journal Law Ash-Shiddiqiyah is to provide a venue for academicians, researchers, and practitioners for publishing the original research articles or review articels. JLAWS published twice in a year on July and January by processing peer review and open access.